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Our Approach

The T-shaped approach in career planning equips learners with a comprehensive perspective, allowing them to grasp the broader landscape of career opportunities. It ensures that individuals possess a broad understanding of various career options and develop a deep understanding of their specific choices.

This approach considers individuals’ interests and abilities, enabling them to make informed decisions about their career path.

Our Approach

The T-shaped approach in career planning equips learners with a comprehensive perspective, allowing them to grasp the broader landscape of career opportunities. It ensures that individuals possess a broad understanding of various career options and develop a deep understanding of their specific choices.

This approach considers individuals’ interests and abilities, enabling them to make informed decisions about their career path.

Frame 889

Our Process

The T-shaped approach in career planning equips learners with a comprehensive perspective, allowing them to grasp the broader landscape of career opportunities. It ensures that individuals possess a broad understanding of various career options and develop a deep understanding of their specific choices.

This approach considers an individual’s interests and abilities, enabling them to make informed decisions about their career path.

Frame 889

Our Process

The T-shaped approach in career planning equips learners with a comprehensive perspective, allowing them to grasp the broader landscape of career opportunities. It ensures that individuals possess a broad understanding of various career options and develop a deep understanding of their specific choices.

This approach considers an individual’s interests and abilities, enabling them to make informed decisions about their career path.

Our Programme

Our Programme


Career Awareness

Educational Planning

Occupational Research

Skill Development

Career Exploration & Counselling

Our career exploration and counselling services provide guidance and support in navigating the world of careers. Through our standardised assessments, personalised counselling, and access to industry professionals, we help students explore their interests, strengths, and potential career paths. We offer resources for researching different industries, developing essential skills, finding practical experiences, and making informed decisions. We empower students to discover their passions and make confident choices for a successful future.  



Career Week


Career Exploration & Counselling

Our career exploration and counselling services provide guidance and support in navigating the world of careers. Through our standardised assessments, personalised counselling, and access to industry professionals, we help students explore their interests, strengths, and potential career paths. We offer resources for researching different industries, developing essential skills, finding practical experiences, and making informed decisions. We empower students to discover their passions and make confident choices for a successful future.  

- Self-Assessment

- Career Awareness

- Educational Planning

- Occupational Research

- Skill Development



Career Week


Industry Engagement & Experiential Learning​

Our Industry Engagement and Experiential Learning services provide school students with invaluable real-world experiences. Through these services, students engage directly with professionals and industries, gaining hands-on exposure to their fields of interest. We facilitate industry visits, guest lectures, and internships/live projects, allowing students to apply classroom knowledge in practical settings. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, we prepare students for future careers, fostering essential skills and a deeper understanding of various industries. Additionally, our industry-sponsored events, allow students to showcase their talents and stand out in the crowd.

National Automobile

International Finance




Industry Mentored Projects

Study Tours

Industry Engagement
& Experiential Learning​

Our Industry Engagement and Experiential Learning services provide school students with invaluable real-world experiences. Through these services, students engage directly with professionals and industries, gaining hands-on exposure to their fields of interest. We facilitate industry visits, guest lectures, and internships/live projects, allowing students to apply classroom knowledge in practical settings. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, we prepare students for future careers, fostering essential skills and a deeper understanding of various industries. Additionally, our industry-sponsored events, allow students to showcase their talents and stand out in the crowd.

- Olympiads

- Industry Mentored Projects

- Study Tours

National Automobile

International Finance



Instructor-Led Training

Skill Certificates

Skill Development​​

In Skill Development, we focus on enhancing students’ behavioural and life skills. Through our comprehensive program, we help students develop crucial competencies such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and emotional intelligence. Our interactive workshops, activities, and coaching sessions equip students with practical skills that are essential for personal growth and future success. By honing these skills, students gain the confidence and capabilities needed to navigate challenges, build meaningful relationships, and excel in their academic and career pursuits.




Skill Development​​

In Skill Development, we focus on enhancing students’ behavioural and life skills. Through our comprehensive program, we help students develop crucial competencies such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and emotional intelligence. Our interactive workshops, activities, and coaching sessions equip students with practical skills that are essential for personal growth and future success. By honing these skills, students gain the confidence and capabilities needed to navigate challenges, build meaningful relationships, and excel in their academic and career pursuits.

- Instructor-Led Training

- Skill Certificates




Parental Engagement & Support​​

Our aim is to foster a strong partnership between parents and schools for the benefit of students. We provide resources, workshops, and personalised support to help parents actively engage in their child’s education. From educational to parent-teacher workshops, we facilitate open communication channels and empower parents with the knowledge and tools to support their child’s academic, social, and emotional growth. Together, we create a nurturing environment that promotes student success and well-being both at home and at school.


Career Week

1-1 Interaction

Parent-Teacher Collaboration

Family Engagement Events

Parent Workshops on
Academic Support

Parental Engagement & Support​​

Our aim is to foster a strong partnership between parents and schools for the benefit of students. We provide resources, workshops, and personalised support to help parents actively engage in their child’s education. From educational to parent-teacher workshops, we facilitate open communication channels and empower parents with the knowledge and tools to support their child’s academic, social, and emotional growth. Together, we create a nurturing environment that promotes student success and well-being both at home and at school.

- Parent-Teacher Collaboration

- Family Engagement Events

- Parent Workshops on
Academic Support

Career Day

National Career Week

One-on-One Interaction

Profile Building

Competency Mapping

Individualised Support Plans

Support in writing SOP,
Recommendation Letters

University Interactions

Parent & family involvement

College & University Guidance​​

We provide comprehensive support to school students throughout the college application process. We offer personalized guidance, helping students navigate through college selection, application essays, standardized tests, and financial aid options. Our experienced counsellors provide valuable insights and advice, ensuring students make informed decisions about their future education. We help students present their unique qualities and achievements effectively, increasing their chances of securing admission to their desired colleges and universities. Our goal is to empower students for successful higher education journeys.


Form Filling

College Shortlisting


College & University Guidance​​

We provide comprehensive support to school students throughout the college application process. We offer personalized guidance, helping students navigate through college selection, application essays, standardized tests, and financial aid options. Our experienced counsellors provide valuable insights and advice, ensuring students make informed decisions about their future education. We help students present their unique qualities and achievements effectively, increasing their chances of securing admission to their desired colleges and universities. Our goal is to empower students for successful higher education journeys.

- Profile Building

- Competency Mapping

- Individualised Support Plans

- Support in writing SOP,
Recommendation Letters

- University Interactions

- Parent & family involvement

Individual Portfolio

Form Filling Assistance

Profile-based College Shortlisting

Career Fairs